Developed by CoreNet Global - New England Chapter Board Members, the Young Leaders Professional Development Program (YLPDP) was launched in 2015. At the May 23, 2024, CoreNet Global - New England Chapter Awards of Excellence event, chapter president Adam Fandrey also posthumously honored George Conti with the President’s Award and officially renamed the chapter’s young leadership program as the George M. Conti Young Leaders Professional Development Program.
George was universally respected by our entire CRE community and was an active supporter and instructor in this program. His passion for teaching and developing young talent was palpable. George Conti was a senior member of the Iron Mountain Global Real Estate team, an active member, leader, and instructor in the New England Chapter of CoreNet Global, and an adjunct professor at Wentworth Institute of Technology.
The George M. Conti Young Leaders Professional Development program consists of a series of educational, personal, and professional development sessions throughout the year, which are led by top Real Estate Executives and a professional career coach.
This one-year program brings together a maximum of 12 young professionals who spend the year together on a journey of personal and professional enrichment. The Program leverages senior members of the CRE community as faculty as well as outside professionals in the area of professional development. It focuses on elevating young professionals’ understanding of the various disciplines that make up the corporate real estate field and, through personal one-on-one coaching, allows the young leader to better understand his/her strengths and areas for improvement as well as how to enhance their personal brand and leadership skills. At the end of the program, the class "graduates” at our annual Awards of Excellence dinner.
Young Leaders Professional Development Program Class of 2024

Contact the Executive Director of The New England Chapter of CoreNet Global with questions.